Sunday, March 4, 2012

Australia bound.

Friends, family and those whom count as both! We (James and I) finally have our date of departure: Monday March 5th 2012. James and I will both depart to Perth and only one of us will return. Not to sound unreasonably ominous but I will remain and look for a job, and do plenty of exploring so that when James returns in two months time I will be able to show him the ropes! I admit to being an unseasoned traveler and some of you may worry about my competency on an international scale but I have a feeling I will no doubt thrive in the absence of familiarity and become somewhat of a expert in all things Australian. The feeling, I am certain, evolved from my personal notion that I may in fact be somewhat of an adaptable creature. I love you all but I have many things to take on momentarily: of most import is the acquisition of a, more than tolerable, traveling bag – something that says “expert-traveler-whom-is-of-fashionable-mode” but also fits the “I-have-lint-in-my-pockets” budget. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Yay Shannon. Very exciting. I know you will do great in Australia. Hopefully I can come visit!
